
Lets be friends!. I share actionable tips and tasks to get you to living your most cheerful life as soon as possible. Poke around a bit, but be sure to join the Cheerful Network to gain access to things I don’t share anywhere else on the site or social media. Talk to ya soon!

What Does A Coach Do Anyway?

What Does A Coach Do Anyway?

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This podcast episode and blog post answers one of  my most asked questions of the past year. What does a coach do anyway?! In this episode I go through two different categories of coaches and how Cheerful Cheryl Coaching fits into the fold. Surprise! It's very unique. 

Before that I share thanks for listening to the first few episodes of the podcast and I welcome you to give me your honest feedback and suggestions through a special email address I made just for you! Send me a direct email at

Hey did you know that there is a 3 Day Goaltending Challenge where you could win a Cheerfully Cheryl Care Package that has lots of goodies including an amazon gift card? 

The Challenge takes you through the 3 critical steps to achieve your biggest goals. Get started right now at

Did I mention that it was completely FREE. Get started Now Cant wait to see your wins!   

Transcription Below:

Hello beautiful people! Happy New year, this is the first episode of the new year and now that there’s a few episodes under the belt I’m starting to get feedback and questions that ill be addressing right here on the podcast.  If this is your first time listening or if you listened to all of the others I would really love to hear your thoughts so i've created an email address just for you to share your honest feedback good or bad.


I began this podcast as a means to share my coaching knowledge with you in the easiest way to to consume possible. No long blog posts ( although the transcription is available of the episode webpage) and No long lessons. The goal is  for each episode to be short, sweet and actionable and I want to make sure that topics covered are what you are looking for and that my delivery suits you.  So send me an email and give me feedback on what topics you'd like to hear about next  or what you thought about a particular episode. Am I talking too fast, are the stores too personal, let me know!


If you really love an episode please subscribe so you never miss another episode  rate and review, this shows me and the internet gods that this podcast is valuable and it helps me show up as suggestions for others. If you are listening and someone comes to mind that you think could benefit from the episode please share it with them. There is nothing like getting a recommendation from a friend about something they enjoy or found helpful!  I see those of you that are in my cheer squad! I see you sharinging the podcast on social media. Please tag me, because I do miss things but if you tag me @cheerfullycheryl ill get a little alert and then I can thank you appropriately.


With that today's episode stems from my most received question of 2020. What does a coach do anyway?

I've answered this question at least a dozen different ways as my understanding of myself as a coach and how others coach became more clear.


Coaching is one of the largest growing industries in the world right now. Back in the day I was inspired by a book one of my best friends gave me when I was going through a rough time called Steering by Starlight by Martha Beck – a Life Coach. After I skeptically read through this book I was amazed that someone could know me so well in the pages of a book. Like really know me, my thoughts, my desires, and even what steps I could take to reach those desires.

It was bizarre. I felt as though it was some sort of magic like when you read a cheesy magazine horoscope and it directly depicts what's going on in your life.


Like that magazine I wondered if the universe really knew that well or if it was just a lucky guess.


I can't speak for astrology but for coaches ( good coaches) it's not a lucky guess. It's the result of countless hours based in research, experience with people like you and education that makes coaches experts at what they do.

To give you a better idea of what they do i'll categories coaches in two areas- I did not pull these areas out of thin air they are from a  Coach, Author and Guru Martin stienr


The categories are Performance Coaches and Development Coaches


A Performance Coaching is all about addressing and fixing a particular problem or challenge. You can liken it to putting out a fire, building a fire or or keeping the fire away from other areas. It incompaases much of the everyday stuf that blocks you from having a cheerful and successful life. It's everyday things, your health, your relationships , how you are doing at work, how messy your home is and so much more.

Development coaching is about tuning to focus on you as the firefighter. This focus  on you as the manager of the fire ultimately helps you learn, grow and improve beyond these particular challenges .


Now I didn't pull these out of thin air they coaching types are inspired by the great coach, and NY Times bestseller Michale Bungay Stainer


 The Cheerfully Coaching Method is a hybrid of the two.

As a Life coach , I focus on the things that lead to more joy and distinct success in multiple areas of your life. I know that you are managing all the things ( the little or sometimes big fires in your life)  . As a fellow firefighter I know that you struggle to manage all the fires  in all the rooms  of your life and that what you really want is to build a bigger better house to begin with and also maybe fix the garage that burned down last year.

In that way the first part of the cheerful method is all about performance. I help you to organize your life and manage those fires , better yet put them out so you can focus on rebuilding the rooms you have.


Then we move into development coaching where I help you to rebuild the house or build an entirely new one but using a method optimized to help you learn, grow and improve  in so many ways that you actually develop the skills necessary to coach yourself.


You see, I found in my own research that many coaches are acutely niched meaning that they focus on one specific thing in one specific category. Think Fitness Coaches that focus on helping you build muscle, or another coach that focuses on helping you lose weight and another one that helps you with your diet and that nother one that helps you . Now you  have to choose between  6 different types of coaches or types of help in that area where there's nothing but consulting. As in telling you exactly how and when to do this thing.


I have found that that type of coaching is needed and necessary but leaves me and others feeling as though they need to continue the service, the program , the membership in order to remain successful.


The mission in Cheerfully Cheryl Coaching is to help you with your performance but also empower you to continuously develop the skills that will keep you successful even after we end our time working together. More importantly you will learn skills and methods that will not only help you but you can impart that wisdom to your friends, family and the communities that you support so we can all benefit from living a Cheerful and successful life.


When I was a new coach I had so many bug goals and wishes for my life and for my business but after investing in coaching myself and learning the methods of my coach I began to self coach. While the coaches I have invested in and have fully ushered me into the transformation they promised It is the way I coach myself that is creating a consistent impact in my life and I want that for you!


The Cheerful Coaching Method takes you through a few different stages of what I have found to be the most impactful in creating success towards your goals and Joy in the process of attaining them .


1 – Getting clarity on where you are now and where you would like to be

2- Utilizing your strengths and assets ( what you already have) not your weaknesses and what's missing to create a plan of action that works for where you are now

3- work on the mindset, routines and and strategies to keep you consistently working toward your goals while strategically managing all of your many responsibilities

4- I hold you and more importantly teach you to hold yourself accountable for the action plan that we've created so that you develop the ability to coach yourself for a long lasting transformation that you can use for each and every goal you want to take on.


What has worked for me is learning these techniques and being able to share them not only with my clients but with my friends, family and my children. Mindset was very big for me last year and learning to change my mindset has helped become a better mother to my kiddos and i've taught them simple techniques that they use as 4 year olds to see a situation differently before they react, make decisions or completely meltdown lol I mean if you really want to get down to it were not much different than 4 year old in our ability to focus, reason and motivate ourselves to do the things we know we need to do.


The difference is that children are surrounded by responsible people who are showing them easy ways to become wonderful citizens with happy  and successful lives… Think Moms. Dads, aunties, grandparents, teaches bus drivers, educational programs even the noneducational games they play.


It’s the same for adults except we forget to surround ourselves with those things as they become increasingly unattainable as we get older – partly because we think that we don’t need it and partially because everything is FTK ( for the Kids) as they grow and develop through their most formative years.


How do we replicate that support system as adults? We surround ourselves with people that know more than us, who care and can help support our growth. It can be books, indulging in resources like this podcast , finding a mentor and investing in coaching whether it's 1:1 or through a program.


You have the ability to create the reality you want and trust me you can do it all , be a working parent, care and love your partner, hold down a 9-5 that brings you the financial security of your life while working towards something more whatever that means to you.

I know it can feel overwhelming, I wear all those hats too , that’s why I know If I can do it you can do it and my mission is to not only show you that you can and teach you how but to make sure that you have the skills and have practiced so much that it becomes second nature to you as it has for me. And if you wish you may teach to others so that we as a Cheerful community of hard workers and high achievers of joy can lift one another and our communities up.


Okay it's no secret that I am passionate about coaching you, and I've officially opened up my 2021 calendar with new spots. If you had a thought while listening to this that you could benefit from coaching with me I want to head to to schedule a consultation.

The consultation is where we get to have a 1:1 conversation and discuss some of your goals and dreams and a quick assessment on what you think is holding you back. It’s a great way to determine if working together is right for both of us.


I like to be transparent. Neither the consultation now the coaching program is free. I have found over time and research shows that you are more likely to take your commitments seriously if you have some skin in the game. Now I don’t want to waste your precious time ( it's worth $$ ya know) and I teach you how to optimize it. 

The consultation is for those of you who are serious about finally reaching those goals that you have written down in one way or another month after month or year after year.


Coaching Cheerfully with me is not for you if you are not serious about your goals, because you can't reach them if you aren’t serious. There is literally nothing I or any other coach, mentor, book or program that can help you if you simply are not willing to do the work.


It's not for you if you want to accomplish your goals overnight, because it doesn’t work like that. If it did people would be smashing goals all over the place. Even though it seems like they are , I promise you there are weeks, months and years of work for them to achieve that seemingly overnight success.

It's not for you to want someone else to do the work for you – I'm already doing my own work as a mom, a  wife, a leadership educator at a state university , running my coaching business and coaching my clients. ( all separate jobs) While I love to help you I've learned that doing the work for you benefits no one and honestly just isn’t a good investment because then you'll need to hire me every time you want to achieve a goal and guess who gets smarter and learns more skills…. Me?


This is Cheerfully Cheryl coaching, if you want to increase your performance, develop your own skills and strengths while having fun then i'm your coach! You know the one that totally gets you!

Schedule a call with me. I can't wait to talk to you.


Don’t  forget to subscribe so you don’t miss another episode, next week I'll be talking about the power of starting late. If you like what you’ve heard today i've made an email address just to get your feedback! IF you really love what you’ve heard please rate and review as it helps other hard workers know that this podcast is a space for them too!


As always I'm over here cheering you on!!


Until next week my friends, I hope you have

A beautiful day

A wonderful week

And a cheerful life.



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