
Lets be friends!. I share actionable tips and tasks to get you to living your most cheerful life as soon as possible. Poke around a bit, but be sure to join the Cheerful Network to gain access to things I don’t share anywhere else on the site or social media. Talk to ya soon!

Are You Tired or Is It Just Me?

Are You Tired or Is It Just Me?

Without fail, the New Year tends to bring new routines, new workouts, new eating habits, and a new attitude. Good for you for taking steps towards those big goals of yours! By now since you have been busting your a$$ you must be tired.

If you have been feeling tired or dragging for the better for the daylight hours do not ignore it! It is not normal but it is expected. Committing to taking action on your goals takes a ton of energy and if you are focused on multiple goals you are likely expending that much more energy. Your body hasn’t trained for all this productivity and it is struggling to keep up.

Here’ some tips on how to help yourself so you can continue killing it at all the new that you have invited into the New Year.

Go The Fcuk to Sleep.

Yeah, I said it! You are tired because you butt probably isn’t getting in the bed at a decent hour (I’m guilty of it too!) It’s recommended that you get at least 8 hours of quality sleep a night. This number varies from person to person.

Get better Quality Sleep.

You can be in bed for 8 hours sure but how much of that 8 hours are you actually getting deep restful sleep? Bad sleep usually looks like waking up multiple times during the night and not being able to fall back asleep right away. Another sign that you are not getting good sleep is when it takes you over 30 min to fall asleep in the first place. Getting better sleep can go a long way toward reducing that tired, don’t know how I’m going to make it through the next 2 hrs. feeling you get during the day. Here are a few ways you can get better quality sleep:

-          Get on a consistent sleep schedule

-          Don’t use screens before bed. ( read a book or meditate)

-          Avoid caffeine at least 4 – 6 hrs. before bed

-          Make your bedroom super comfy and keep it at a cool temperature


Never drop that H20

Dehydration is a real thing and not surprisingly not drinking enough water can lead you to feel tired, sluggish and fatigued. We all know that dehydration causes your blood pressure to decrease which makes you slooooottttthhhhyyyy but it also affects your ability to produce melatonin. Drink all the water and no we aren’t counting the amount of water in the coffee or tea you are drinking to battle the zzz’s. 6 t0 8 glasses are great for the atypical day if you exercise to increase your water intake a bit.

*Cheerful Tip: I drink a cold glass of water as soon as I wake up while the water is boiling for tea and walking the pup. The water wakes you up and jump-starts your metabolism. A win for energy, a win for the body!

Eat Better

I know you’ve heard the saying you are what you eat. I’ve never really liked that saying because everything is delicious. Like a box of Krispy Kreme Donuts doesn’t look particularly unattractive but we’re not talking about looks here. We’re talking about feels. There are foods that have delicious crap that give you nothing but taste bud satisfaction and then there are foods that give your proper nutrients. To battle the zzz’s find energy-boosting foods like fruits and veggies. Pass on the giant bag of Doritos (which I love). Protein is also great for fighting tiredness. (Hello Peanut Butter!)

Stress Less

I know easier said than done because realistically stress is unavoidable. However identifying the people, things, and situations that cause you to stress will be extremely helpful when addressing those situations or removing yourself from them before they start to affect your sleep.

 Go see your Doctor

Don’t ignore your body’s cries from help; if trying the above simple shifts does not relieve your walking zombie, feelings please seek help from a medical professional. Your general doctor is the best place to start. Don’t bother googling it. Here is a list of things that could be going on that only a professional can diagnose Sleep Apnea, Anemia, Heart disease, Hypothyroidism, Depression.

Who is Cheerfully Cheryl?

Who is Cheerfully Cheryl?

How to deal with Cheer Suckers aka Hardcore Complainers

How to deal with Cheer Suckers aka Hardcore Complainers