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The Cheerful Mercury Retrograde

The Cheerful Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is here! Take Cover!

Truth bombs, travel snags and technology hiccups and break down are coming around.

By Cheerfully Cheryl 

Have you been having random arguments? Stuck in crazy traffic. Lost or broken your flash drive moments before you are supposed to give a presentation? Does it generally feel like everything is going wrong? It’s normal for things to have ups and downs and for life to have ebbs and flows, but things are just EXTRAA. ( that extra a is on purpose.. OR is it a typo?)

Chances are, you have entered the Mercury retrograde period.

This particular retrograde began on October 31st and goes until November 20th

Trick or Treat, right?

 The retrograde is full of surprises and in this one the truth inevitably comes into the light, as mysteries reveal and skeletons tumble out of their well kept closets.

Pro Tip - If you have been holding a secret from a loved one or friend it is much better for you to come clean now in a way that you can control. Letting retrograde to take control of your well kept secrets and put them ( read: launch them dramatically) into the light will be even more harming to that relationship. 

Mercury  rules the transfer of information, communication, travel, and technology—so all of these areas can go haywire for about three weeks. To top it off, Mercury retrograde also has what’s called a “shadow period”. Astrologers call it Retroshade so you may feel the #retroshade a couple of weeks before and after the official Mercury retrograde dates. Great, right?

 Pro tip: Play it extraa safe during this period; keep beverages far away from your computer; this is the time when you could knock over a cup of coffee onto your keyboard or laptop. These are mistakes that can be avoided with a little extraa caution until the retrograde is over.

Here's some tips on how to maintain your cheerful self while also wanting to crawl under a rock until Thanksgiving.

Embrace the Re’s 

And I'm not talking Rihanna

Focus on things that start with the prefix “re-,” which means to go back. Review all your contracts before you sign. Renew your commitments, rather than making new ones. Prepare to Repeat yourself often. Reunite with old friends. Redecorate a room. Rekindle a romance. You can even Revisit things that are working well and work on making them work more efficiently.

Do whatever you Re- want to do just try not to start anything brand spanking new if you are acting on impulse and not out of pure need or logistical desire. 

Retrograde try to do’s and try-not-to do’s.

Try to...

1. Review all contracts and legal documents before signing.

2. Pause and breathe before speaking. (Repeat yourself if necessary!)

3. Read all emails and documents before you hit send.

4. Insure/track important mail and packages (Mercury rules the postal system).

5. Get your vehicles (or bikes) tuned up, pack an emergency roadside kit.

6. Leave early for any travel and appointments, since Mercury Rx can delay flights.

7. Renew your commitments instead of making new ones.

8. Focus on the prefix re-, which means to go backward (renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc.)

9. Plan reunions with old friends & loved ones (but prepare for possible mishaps!)

10. Expect to hear from/run into people from your past at the weirdest moments.

11. Get sentimental. Reconnect with your roots, walk down memory lane.

12. Practice forgiveness. Finish processing what’s unresolved so you can let it go.

13. Confirm all dates, plans, meetings, appointments.

14. Think of the retrograde as a quarterly review period, a chance to pause and finish what you’ve started.

15. Back up your digital data (photos, contact lists, files) before the retrograde or ASAP if it’s started.

Try not to…

1. Buy new vehicles, electronic equipment or gadgets (unless they come with a good return/repair policy).

2. Sign contracts without a thorough review (delay until Mercury turns direct if you can).

3. Fly off the handle or jump to conclusions if someone misunderstands you.

4. Run into the arms/bed of an ex without careful screening (Mercury reunions aren’t always meant to last).

5. Shoot the messenger if someone from your past comes around.

6. Put anything sketchy into an email or text (you could hit “Reply All” or send to the wrong person!).

7. Leave late for flights or appointments.

8. Start anything new on top before finishing what’s ahead on the to-do list.

9. Lead people on, give mixed messages or believe everything you hear (actions speak louder than words).

10. Spread rumors, rant on social media or share unconfirmed information.

11. Turn in sloppy or unchecked work, cut corners, dash off hasty communications. Inspect to protect!

The Cheerful Spin

Most of us start a million things that we never complete, never realizing how much mental and at times physical clutter this creates. The retrograde is like a quarterly review, this one in the last quarter of the year. It’s a chance to finish what you've started and get everything, for better or for worse out on the table. With this, you will have a clear conscience and vision for the future.

Own it, sit in it, embrace the retrograde and you’ll come out on top even if ish hits the fan. They say, what you resist persists and they have told no lies. So the more you can embrace chaos or a lack of control, the happier you'll be thought this wild period. 



Now that you'll be using the retrograde period to Review the past year, I want to remind you that we still have time to organize our lives and prioritize those goals before 2020 arrives. The Cheerful Bootcamp is where you'll get that kick in the butt to get it done and now! Click the button below formore information about the Bootcamp which begins strategically the day after the retrograde ends! 

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