
Lets be friends!. I share actionable tips and tasks to get you to living your most cheerful life as soon as possible. Poke around a bit, but be sure to join the Cheerful Network to gain access to things I don’t share anywhere else on the site or social media. Talk to ya soon!

The Cheerfully Cheryl Podcast Trailer - Episode 00

The Cheerfully Cheryl Podcast Trailer - Episode 00

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Hello beautiful! 

I’m literally shaking my pom-poms here to welcome you to the Cheerfully Cheryl podcast! 

Just so you know this is my baseline level of energy so expect nothing less from ME!

This podcast is designed to help you navigate both the messy parts and the most beautiful parts of life. You know the parts where you feel overwhelmed and tired but also the parts where you can't believe this is your real life it's so good. 

I'm Cheryl Simmons, A Leadership educator, Lifecoach, Mom to twins Chloe and Carter and wife to a handsome husband. My favorite title is your Cheerleader! 

You can come here for weekly pep talks and loving kicks in the pants, because I give those out too.

Im Life coach  with a focus on joy and success. Essentially, that means that I help really busy people like you, organize their lives so they can prioritize their goals, realize their dreams and reach success. 

 Now what does Joy and Success have to do with each other? Well It's really not what you think. Success doesn't mean joy but the other way around. Joy promotes, creates and helps you maintain success.  What I help do as a coach is help you navigate all the areas of your life that control joy. 

Now  these days we are all busier than ever. While I want to remind you “busy is not your purpose”… I respect your time and I'm pretty sure if you are anything like me you don't have a minute to waste. That's why this podcast is shot on time and big on action! 

In each episode we'll dive in it the pillars that create success and a joy filled life




Money / Finances




Not only will you get pep talks and training from me but i'll be chatting with experts, past , current clients, friends and so much more. 

You can expect to hear from me at least once a week but there's the occasional bonus episode to look forward too  as well. 

Anyway, I can't wait to hang with you more! 

Until the next episode, 

Have a beautiful Day, 

Wonderful week 

And a cheerful life! 

Hey did you know that there is a 3Day Goaltending challenge when you could win a Cheerfully Cheryl Care Package that has lots of goodies including an amazon gift card? 

The Challenge takes you through the 3 critical steps to achieve your biggest goals. Get started right now at

Did I mention that it was completely FREE. Get started Now

Cant wait to see your wins!   



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